Peti became a hunter

It makes you really proud when another person’s life changes thanks to you. 🙂

3,5 years ago, Peti bought from me a tiny little vizsla, Akác. Back then he didn’t know he’s going to get a new passion along with the puppy. 🙂

He wanted a hobby dog, who can become their faily member, whom they can love, with whom they can hike a lot. That is exactly what happened……

But they were quickly mesmerized by hunting with dogs, and the magic of the hunts. Nice and slow, it became a part of their lives.

We’ve met for walks, practiced a bit with game, and finally went hunting together. Then came the basic exam, then the working exam. I did everything to help them as much as I could. And there was no turning back….. they were lost for good! 😀

this year, Peti finished his hunting exam, and became a real, loving and respectful HUNTER!

The story of the first pheasant shot:

„Akác pointed 20 meters in front of me. I got there, I put it up, I shot, then he retrieved it. I will never forget, so far I only saw videos, I never would have thought I’m going to get my first shot like this. A single shot….. I almost cried. :-)”

I did indeed cry…… This is what makes all of it worth it. <3